By: Crowned ReRe The Voice. I remember the day Barry White passed on 7/05/2003; BET posted a tv banner with a picture of him showing…
The Accountability. The Crowntalk Podcast S.4 E.2
This is officially the first season four episode of “The CrownTalk Podcast.” These episodes will be mini-moments with me and my friend (accountability content partner), Mr. Al Pete. In this episode, we will discuss accountability, three ways to hold yourself more accountable, and Crown ReRe will give ReRe Recommendations (new segment).
Book and Bloom Review “Wahala” By Nikki May.
“This was the downside of telling friends everything: it meant they knew everything” -Wahala, Nikki May-
Book and Bloom Review “The Gucci Mane Guide to Greatness” By Gucci Mane & Soren Baker
“I’m in a period where I feel burnt out, unappreciated, and unmotivated. I was recently on a trip and saw the book in a store, and picked it up with no intent to soak up so much inspiration. I honestly picked it up to learn more about Gucci Mane.” -Mr. Al Pete
Conversation Sunday featuring Charlotte L. Taylor. The Author of Broken Twigs: Farewell to Faerie Forest.
Author and teacher Charlotte L. Taylor sits down with Crowned ReRe and speaks about her first book of a series “Broken Twigs: Farewell to Faerie…
The Boundaries … The Crowntalk Podcast Mini-Moment.
Good day Crowned Ones, On this episode of The Crowntalk Podcast (a mini moment), Crowned ReRe and Mr. Al Pete review Kendrick Lamar’s album “Mr.…
Conversation Sunday featuring Cheryl Moy. The Author of “The Origami Balloon Becoming Mei-Rose.”
“Learn to love yourself first, and then you will have the gift of joy to spread to others.”
—Cheryl Moy.
Book and Bloom Review “Shallow Waters” By Anita Kopacz.
“My child, you are going into the vision that was meant for you only. Please respect our ancestors and say no more”
Conversation Sunday featuring Wendy Marqueine. The Author of “Genius Loves An Attitude Of Gratitude”
Crowned ReRe converse with Wendy Marqueine about the series “Genius and Friends” brand, the importance of teaching morals to little kids. The two ladies also speak on self-care, self-awareness and Wendy shares her crown moment.
Book and Bloom. “The Bluest Eye” By Toni Morrison.
“Folks just can’t like folks cause they have the same mama” – The Bluest Eye , Toni Morrison-