Self-Care Checklist for Black Men (Dear Kings) WK #2

Self-Care Checklist for Black Men (Dear Kings) WK #2

One thing I wanted to make sure while creating this list is to keep it simple (inspired by my dad, a King), I am sure that Kings cook their favorite meals and watch Netflix all the time but I want Kings to be AWARE that those things are practices of self-care because the importance of self-awareness is just as important as self-care. When you are aware that you are taking care of your self guess what King that is your “Crown Moment”

The Journaling … Four Ways To Incorporate Journaling in Your Everyday Life

The Journaling … Four Ways To Incorporate Journaling in Your Everyday Life

“This is exactly why journaling is important for self-care. It’s a way to look at your daily activities in a reflective way and get into the who, what, why, and how of it all. It helps you focus on your feelings and reactions of the day, helps you manage stress and emotions, and grows as you reflect over your life. I love journaling because you can get all of your thoughts out on paper and the paper won’t judge you.” -Janae Strickland-Nunn MEd-



“The only difference between me and everyone else is that I’m going hard. I’m going harder, I’m pushing the envelope. I’m trying to figure out what’s on the other side of success. I’m trying to figure out what’s on the side of failure. So we are all on the same is you have to figure out your life goals, your life, you know, choices, and you just go from there. So that’s what keeps me motivated.”