My intentions are to fill to a void when it comes to our Kings, Our Black Men when it comes to self-care, self -awareness and encouraging our Kings.
The Scarecrow … How To Recondition The Conditioned Doubt.
As I was watching The Whiz and singing along, I said to myself, I have been a Scarecrow before. I have allowed others (Crows) to plant ears of doubt in my field.
The Unknown … S2. E12 The CrownTalk Podcast.
“On this episode of The CrownTalk Podcast Crowned ReRe has a conversation with Joanette Weisee, the author of “Giggles In My Heart” a Covid-19 Frontline Emergency Doctor and also to her grand kids she is known as Dr. Grammy. Joanette shares how one conversation with her grand-daughter about Covid-19 inspired her to write “Giggles In My Heart” series. Joanette also share how fear can create a barrier that stops us from reaching our goal.”
The Journaling … Four Ways To Incorporate Journaling in Your Everyday Life
“This is exactly why journaling is important for self-care. It’s a way to look at your daily activities in a reflective way and get into the who, what, why, and how of it all. It helps you focus on your feelings and reactions of the day, helps you manage stress and emotions, and grows as you reflect over your life. I love journaling because you can get all of your thoughts out on paper and the paper won’t judge you.” -Janae Strickland-Nunn MEd-
“The only difference between me and everyone else is that I’m going hard. I’m going harder, I’m pushing the envelope. I’m trying to figure out what’s on the other side of success. I’m trying to figure out what’s on the side of failure. So we are all on the same is you have to figure out your life goals, your life, you know, choices, and you just go from there. So that’s what keeps me motivated.”
The Company … The Value Of Minding The Company You Keep
“The sense of hopelessness is a feeling a lot of us deal with. It’ll make you feel like you don’t know how to continue. While I’m getting better as time passes, it’s still a struggle. Thankfully, I’ve found ways to keep my crown balanced. Among them is keeping the right people around you.”
The Balance…Two Key Points in Balancing Mental Health
Kinda like when they say drink water when you wake up, for me pouring in the good first thing helps kick start my mental for the better.
-Robert Cre8ive-
The Purpose and Intent Of
Where does my belief come from that we are crowned? Mr. James Baldwin quote “Our Crown has been bought and paid for, we just have to put it on.” There is nothing but truth in that quote. During a time when people of color were treated unequally, James Baldwin quote was a reminder that regardless how anyone else sees us, we should see ourselves as crowned
The Creative … S2. E10 The CrownTalk Podcast.
Crowned ReRe has a wonderful conversation with “International Best Selling” author Darryl Bell, Darryl Bell is the author of “We Are Creators”. Darryl Bell shares his reason for writing “We are Creators”
Why The Celebration Of Black Joy Is So Important (The Joy)
We are fighting for the joy of leaving the house, enjoying our day and being able to go back home. We are fighting for the joy to be in our black skin.