Title: The Gucci Mane Guide to Greatness

Author: Gucci Mane & Soren Baker

Genre: Biography

Rating: 5 out of 5 Crowns 

The Book

By Mr. Al Pete

The Gucci Mane Guide to Greatness

Gucci Mane’s book “The Gucci Mane Guide to Greatness” is his second installment that shows his author side. I haven’t read his first book, but I can tell that this read is an extension of his autobiography. 

The motivational book is filled with various tools he’s used to becoming successful, in his own rights. It’s also a focus-driven study guide that serves the purpose of keeping you engaged in life situations. The book applies to anyone who goes through the motions of feeling doubtful, discouraged and stuck in moments that seem to have no positive outcome. Gucci does a great job with paralleling his journey with the uplifting words he shares. 

Know that you’ve always got another chance. If you don’t like the story you’re living, change the narrative. 

The book has nine parts and each of the parts has subtopics. For me, that’s a good factor when reading a book because I have the option to hop around, which makes the process easier to handle.

The Bloom

I’m in a period where I feel burnt out, unappreciated, and unmotivated. I was recently on a trip and saw the book in a store, and picked it up with no intent to soak up so much inspiration. I honestly picked it up to learn more about Gucci Mane. I only know of Gucci through his music (which I don’t listen to fully), but digitally seeing his journey and his glow, I wanted to see what it was about. It took me three sittings to complete the book, and I read some chapters multiple times. 

The standout topics for me were ‘Success’, ‘Your People’, ‘Accountability’, and ‘Work Ethic’. In the ‘Success’ section, the first statements about thinking bigger really stuck with me. Gucci basically said to not worry about people thinking you think big, and that line is STILL in me. I changed my thought process quickly and began feeling relieved from not being motivated. The chapter ‘Your People’ was crucial, as well. It reminded me that people have no interest in me and only want to be around to deter the goals or place myself on their petty, non-driven levels. That chapter got me back on my spiritual guard. With that, I’ve been cleaning house and I’m not ashamed of it. 

“Stay aware of yourself and others. Be able to look at yourself objectively. Know where your head is at. Awareness is a valuable weapon.” -Gucci Mane-

To conclude, I’ve revisited the book often. It’s been good to read a small insert in the morning and throughout the day. Being online has put a depressed feeling on me, but reading the words from Gucci Mane’s book has turned my thoughts slowly to positivity. 

Please check out Mr. Al Pete on https://www.mralpete.com/

and Check out Mister Peterson Neighborhood on https://www.mpn-llc.com/
