Good day Crown Ones, I took a week off from updating the Self Care Checklist but I am back this week. I hope with this self-care checklist I have spark the conversation that self-care for Kings is important and it doesn’t have to be a complicated thing to do.

Why is it important to take 10 minutes to breathe and why it is listed on each weekly checklist, well first reminding yourself to breathe lowers the stress in your body as you prepare yourself to go out in this world. Reminding yourself to breathe or taking 10 minutes out of your day to breathe makes you aware, makes you present and no matter what the world tells you or show you, King we need your presences. Although your presences may seem as a threat to others King. You are not a threat, you are a promise and a gift. I want you to be present in your gift and in your promise that is why it is so important if you do not do anything else please take a moment or 10 minutes to breathe.

If you are a King reading this and would like to share with me how you practice self-care please send me a email [email protected] or leave a comment below.
If you are a Queen and reading this and would like to share how a King in your life practice self-care please also do the same.
Don’t forget your Crown and don’t forget YOUR Crown.
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